Not everyone's moon is in the sky. For some, it's near. For others, it's a distant dream. And, for some, it resides in the future. Yet, we gaze at it every day, taking steps towards it and wishing to be closer to it someday. So, what is your light, your universe, your moon? How far do you want to go for it? Join us on Instagram, share with us and see your imprint on this moon.
What's Your Moon
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Lectrix E-Vhicles Introducing Moonshine
Lectrix E-Vhicles Lxs Moonshine


A limited-edition ELECTRIC scooter celebrating India’s journey to the moon.

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Lectrix E-Vhicles Moonshine

384,400 km away from the earth, India made history. As billions gazed at the sky with happiness and pride, we unveiled something unique – a limited-edition electric scooter - LXS MoonShine, to celebrate India's journey to the moon. It sports a golden emblem - its two arrows facing skyward in 'rocket mode'.

As we celebrate the remarkable journey that has brought us to this point, let's look within ourselves to find that unwavering determination and the drive that propels us to explore the unknown, push boundaries, and venture into uncharted territories.

This limited-edition electric scooter dropped precisely the same time Vikram lander touched the moon. Ride this seat of ambition, switch on your 'rocket mode', and embark on a journey towards your moon.